Friday, July 11, 2014

Five on Friday -> Oh Hey Friday

I haven't blog in a while. I know. I'm a bad blogger. But honestly, if you saw what my upstairs looked like, you would forgive me. I have been spending every day going through our household items deciding what needs to go into storage. I've also been selling stuff we don't need anymore like a maniac! I promise I'll be back real soon. Until then, here's a new little friday link up from September Farm and The Farmer's Wife.

[one] Steve finished his final assignment for this Captains Career Course this week and passed with flying colors. Proud wife moment right here. I'm also happy to have my husband back after a week of nonstop working.

[two] Coloring. Sadie's been coloring up a storm this week. It's her new favorite pastime and I can't complain. I enjoy coloring a Minnie Mouse or two. I'm going to admit to a small "pet peeve." It  goes a little something like this... Sadie asks me to color, so I sit down on the small yellow chair, and start coloring my picture. It looks pretty good and all and then Sadie decides she wants to color on mine too! Is anyone else as OCD as me? But then I look at her sweet little face and the joy it brings to be coloring with her mommy and it all washes away.

[three] Play date. Sadie had a impromptu play date last night with some new friends. They have two little boys after 2 1/2 and 6 months. Sadie has a blast playing with them and they pretty much ran a tornado through our playroom. It was totally worth it to see the look of joy on their faces. We had fun hanging out with their parents too.

[four] Our first set of movers are coming on Monday. We won't have a dining table after that since it is going into storage. Well the second set of movers cannot ship any type of alcohol. Considering our liquor cabinet is a little overstocked with a lot of half used items, we decided to have some people over tonight. Consider it a celebration of the end of Steve's class. But we are also giving this stuff away like its candy. No really. But it's better than candy:-)

[five] Just so you know I'm telling the truth. Here's a little sneak peak of what my house looks like right now. The garage is ready for Storage.
Upstairs is... well.. it looks like a mess, but believe it or not its divided into piles. You know how hard it is to keep those piles organized with a toddler? And soon we will be living out of suitcases!

There you have it folks. Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Okay, so your organized piles are cracking me up! My house is the same way! And miss Sadie is adorable!

    1. Good to know I'm not alone! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Haha I want to come to your party!!

  3. I love your blog banner it is so much fun!

  4. Omgosh, I thought your little girl colored Dora at first! I was like wow quite the artist! Found you from the blog hop and happy to be your newest follower!

    1. She's pretty talented, but I take full credit for that one:-) Thanks for following!

  5. Moving is no fun - but you sure know how to do it right. :)
    Fits right along with the title of your blog! Ha.
    Thanks for joining in today!

    1. Thanks! Life of an Army wife... you'd think I would get used to it, but it's still stressful each time!
