It's so stressful to think about all this and my mind is constantly changing after talking to others. So what do I do? Turn to lists of course! A list for everything seriously can just take the world off your shoulders. If you already read my post about my Ultimate PCS Notebook, you know how many I already have in there. Here's what our preparation To Do List looks like:
Declutter and Sell other Various items around the house - Garage sale maybe?
Movers pack up and load items to go into Storage on July 14
Steve graduates from his Captains Career Course on July 18
Movers pack up and load household goods to be shipped on July 21
Have checked bags packed and ready to go by July 21
Receive Concurrent Travel Orders - this tells us if we travel together or not
Receive Military Passports
Update Will and Family Care Plan
Check out with on-post Housing
I have a lot more lists within these categories, but this is our timeline for the next few weeks. If I'm virtually absent from here, you know why!
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