Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Becoming a Coach

It's been one month now since I made the decision to become a BeachBody Coach. I figured it's about time to give you a little insight as to why I made that decision.

If you've been following along, you read about the beginning of my weight loss story here.

In January, I took the plunge and ordered PiYo from Beachbody. I ordered the plan online on my own and didn't actually have a coach when I started. Within days of starting, I knew that I was going to love this workout.

After doing some online research, I stumbled across a beautiful blog. I was immediately drawn to this diamond elite BeachBody coach's positive outlook on health, fitness, and life. I sent an e-mail to her to find out more information about this "coaching" thing, and to be honest, I was fully expecting to get an automated computer response, but what I got was so much more than that. Not only did she respond personally, but quickly. She was honest, supportive, and motivating. You can almost hear the passion coming through her e-mail. I knew right then that I wanted her to be my coach and even more so that I wanted in.

I took a few days to talk it over with Steve and make sure it was a decision I wanted and that I could devote my time to it. Each day, my want for coaching just grew stronger, and so I signed up. I wanted to inspire people like she was inspiring me.

I immediately dove into all the material that BeachBody provides you as coach. There is so much information and supplies provided to you, it is amazing. Over the past month, I have come to learn how truly passionate the company is not only about its coaches, but its customers and the well being of people in general. Working for a company like this makes you want to "go" to work each day.

So I got to "work" and announced myself as a Coach. In reality, my "work" consists of me working out daily, drinking this amazingly delicious drink, reading books for personal developing, and just showing people all that Beachbody can do. My Coach has been amazing every step of the way. She has helped keep my accountable of my goals and health as well as getting started with the Coaching.

A few nights ago, I lay in bed and I said my prayers. I asked God if he would give me a sign to show me if this company is the right direction for me. I wanted to know that pursuing this new passion of mine really was in his plan for me. The next morning, I woke up to a text message from one of my very dear friends(and bridesmaids) saying that she was "inspired" by me and ordered PiYo.

Thank you God! I don't think His sign could have been any more clear.

So here I am today. Shouting from the roof top that I am BeachBody Coach. I have chosen a life of health and happiness. This doesn't mean I don't have slip ups and eat pizza occasionally, but it means that I am working hard to better myself every day. And I am here to help you, motivate you, and answer any questions for you if you chose to do it too. And I hope you will, because I promise... like me, you will have NO regrets.

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