Sunday, April 5, 2015

Fuel my Passion

It's no secret that I've found a new passion. To find that passion within you to live a healthy and fit life is a wonderful thing to find. I believe everyone has it, you just have to find what fuels that passion.

Sadie is definitely a top reason I have chosen to lead a healthier life. I grew up a picky eater. I don't want that for her. She already has started on the picky eating path, and one of the best things I can do for her is to be the best example I can be.

I have started a new daily devotional called Devotions for a Healthier You by Katie Farrell. It is daily devotions that help clear your mind to lead a healthier life.

This morning's devotional, couldn't have come at a more perfect time. Sadie being a big fuel of my passion, another is God. He placed me on this earth with one body. I want to live a long and healthy life, and I want to take care of the one body he gave me. So I wanted to share with you today's devotional bible quote.

We are exactly what we think we are. If we believe in our heart that we can lead this healthy life that God wants us so badly to have, then we can. We can do all things who Christ who strengthens us. I read in my personal development book last night that there are no impossible dreams, we just have to break them down in small steps to make them happen. We must believe it in our heart and our mind will follow along, and then so will your body! It's wonderful cycle. I believe with my whole heart that God wants me to live a healthy life for myself and to help others find health and happiness.

What is fueling your passion today?

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