Thursday, June 19, 2014

Korean: The Language

I have always wanted to learn a second language. Never in a million years did I think it would be Korean. It honestly just didn't even cross my mind. But now that my family will be living in the environment for two years, I would like to learn enough to have a short conversation with a basic understanding of everyday words and phrases.

But seriously, have you looked at the language? It doesn't even share the same alphabet as English. I've got my work cut out for me. But a Korean man at the nail salon said to me the other day "If we can learn your language, you can learn ours," and I fully believe this. It's going to take a lot of hard work and dedication on my part, but there's no better way to learn it than to be in a culture where I can speak it daily.

So how am I going to learn it? After doing some research I've decided that Rosetta Stone is not worth the money in this case. I am going to go back old school and start with flashcards to learn the Korean alphabet. I am hoping to purchase a book to be able to look up words easily, and I would also like to find a CD that teaches Korean to listen to in the car. I'm hoping that Sadie will also pick up a little on it also.

In the meantime, if you have any tips on learning a second language, please let me know!

안녕히 가세요

 Pronounced Ahn Nyeong Hee Ga Se Yo (Goodbye)

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