Thursday, September 22, 2016

Oh wait... it is possible!

Wouldn't it be cool to have a career that pushes you to become the best version of yourself-- mentally, physically, emotionally & spiritually? That allows you to work on yourself WHILE helping others do the same??
Oh IS possible. I am doing it on a daily basis. 
Honestly-- I am the HAPPIEST I have ever been and in the BEST place I have ever been because of becoming a Coach. 
Before becoming a coach I was overweight, stressed and a little lost. My daily life revolved completely around others and I made no time for myself. 
At the time, I believed that this was the way LIFE was supposed to be. EVERY DAY. So monotonous...and definitely left me feeling a little lost. 

But guess what? THERE IS MORE TO LIFE! ðŸ’• YOU have the choice to decide what you want to do with your life...not someone else. 
I chose LOVE instead of FEAR. 
Now I get to work WHEN I want, WHERE I want, with NO BOSS, NO dress code, doing something that I am EXTREMELY PASSIONATE ABOUT. I get to be there for my kids when they wake up in the morning and put them to bed at night. I am able to stay flexible around my husbands schedule and maximize our time with him. 
Stress is no longer controlling my daily life and it feels phenomenal. I don't share this to brag, but to let you know---this is a POSSIBILITY FOR YOU TOO!👈
If you've thought about becoming a coach and then convinced yourself it's not for you, or that you're too late, or that you can't be successful because you're not a "fit" person... you're keeping yourself from even TRYING.
Now I know this business is not for everyone...and I respect that. But I DO also know that it is something that could CHANGE your life the way it has changed mine. 
This coming Thursday at 9 pm EST I will be running an exclusive event for ladies looking in to coaching on my team. If you would like to check this out, comment below with your email and I will send you a message with the details! Totally not an obligation-- just a chance for you to see if this is something FOR YOU! :)

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