Monday, January 9, 2017

...Progress Pending...

If you've followed my journey, you know that I found Beachbody almost two years ago.

The first program I did was PiYo. I achieved (what I thought was) AMAZING results. But even more... it changed my life. It taught me better habits. It taught me to love my body. It taught me to fuel my body correctly. It taught me to OWN my body.

Since then, I've done multiple programs, included 21 Day Fix, 22 Minutes Hard Corps, and a few random workouts in between. Each one I come out stronger, faster, smarter.

Well it's no secret that the Holiday bloat took over. It happens to the best of us. But I wasn't concerned. Because I know exactly what it takes to hop back on track.

So I'm committing TODAY with my monthly challenge group. I'll be doing 21 Day Fix Extreme and I can't wait to see how strong and toned it will make me!

The best part is that I'm not depriving myself for this challenge. I'm just making smarter choices, working out 30 minutes a day, and drinking a delicious vegetable superfood smoothie.

Results... here I come!!

Psst.... If you want to join me, apply below!
Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

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