Thursday, January 5, 2017

2017 Goals

Last week I shared my 2016 Goals and how I ended out the year.

But let's be real. 2016 is in the past. Now it's time to move forward. 2017 is here and it'll past by fast if I don't get a move on it!

Don't ever be afraid of the time it takes to accomplish a goal. The time will pass anyway. - Earl Nightingale

One of my favorite quotes. Because

So.. here it is. My 2017 Vision Board.

I've got a little bit of family, little bit of me, and little bit of business in there. I think it's a good balance.

So let's categorize them, shall we?

Why start with me? Well, because I'm important and if I don't continuously improve and take care of me, I can't do anything else. 

- Read 12 Personal Development Books. That's one per month. I made this goal last year and didn't achieve it. I WILL achieve it this year. It's a non-negotiable.

Date Night 1 x Month. So technically this is "Family" but it is also taking care of me. I need that time with my other half.

Notice I don't have "lose weight" this time around. That's because living healthy has become part of my lifestyle. I plan on continuing my healthy balance of choices, daily workouts, and Beachbody programs. 


- Trip to Disneyland. We are looking forward to taking the kids to Disney at some point this year. Sadie is the perfect age for all the magic and Ryder will be just old enough to at least have fun and recognize the characters. 

- Explore Texas as a family. We were blessed to be able to settle in the middle of Texas. Not only do we want to explore San Antonio more, but we want to see Houston, Austin, Dallas, Corpus Christi, Waco, the Texas wine country and more. We don't know how long we will be here, so we want to take advantage of it while we can.

- Wine Country trip with Steve. This is actually a toss up. We can't decide between the wine country or an all inclusive resort. Either way, we want to take a trip for just the two of us. 


- Help 5 Women/Month. I decided to break it down this year. Each month, my goal is to help five women find their way to a healthier lifestyle. My life has changed. I want to pay it forward. 

- Help 10 women achieve Success Starters. Beachbody Jargon. You may not get it, but I basically want to help 10 other women get a kickstart on being the CEO of their own business. I want them to be successful from the start.

- Team Leader by March. Again. Beachbody Jargon. But it's a way to measure how I am helping others. This business isn't about me. It's about how I can help serve others.

- 4 Star Diamond. This is a rank as a coach. A promotion, if you will. But again, it's not about me. It means I've helped others in their business. 

- Attend Coach Summit - New Orleans! Who wouldn't want to go. Well it's gonna be hot as hades! But it will such a fun and rewarding experience. I missed the last two years from living in Korea. I've already bought my ticket. 

So there you have it. Exactly what I plan on working towards over the next 12 months. I also plan on reflecting on these goals each month so that I can reevaluate my plan of attack as needed. ;-)

What are your goals for 2017? I'd love to see them! Leave your page below!

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